30  April 2015
Datuk Farid Wins the Coveted CEO of the Year in the Asean Business Awards Malaysia (ABAM) 2015

Congratulations to our Group President and CEO for winning the CEO of the Year at the Asean Business Awards (ABA) 2015.

The prestigious award was given at a Gala Dinner in conjunction with 6th ASEAN Business Awards Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur on 24 April 2015. Maybankers at the Awards ceremony were overjoyed when Datuk Farid received the award from the Prime Minister of Malaysia, YAB Dato' Sri Najib Tun Abdul Razak. Elsewhere, many Maybankers also took to the social media to share the good news and congratulate GPCEO on receiving the award.

The Award acknowledges our GPCEO's immense contribution to the advancement of Malaysian Business community in Malaysia and ASEAN. It also recognises his exceptional demonstration of stewardship of business that has been important to our Group's continuous success. The Award takes into consideration his efficient management, exceptional business strategy formulation as well as effective planning and implementation to optimise the Group's operations.

The ASEAN Business Awards is the premier regional Awards Programme organised to showcase and highlight achievements of ASEAN companies and boost private sector connectivity in the region. It also includes a national level qualification process held at various ASEAN countries, with the national champions being automatic candidates for the regional level. The Regional winners will be announced at the opening Gala Dinner of the ASEAN business and investment summit in November.

Congratulations and thank you, Datuk. We stand behind your leadership and all of us are committed to a brighter future ahead!

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