03  October 2014
Maybank named "BRAND of the YEAR" by world branding forum

Maybank has been awarded the 'Brand of the Year' award at the World Branding Forum in London, the only brand accorded in the Banking category under the National Winners for Malaysia. Hailed as the premier awards of the World Branding Forum, The World Branding Awards saw some of the world's best brands such as Apple, Google, Mercedes-Benz, LV, Shell, HSBC, Rolex, CNN, Samsung and Microsoft recognised for their work and achievements.

The World Branding Forum is a registered global non-profit organisation which aims to advance the standards, skills and level of education in the industry. This is the first year the World Branding Forum is organising such a recognition which comprises two categories - International and National.

Commenting on the award, Mohamed Adam Wee, Group Chief Marketing Officer of Maybank said, "This award is a testimony to the strong brand equity that Maybank enjoys amongst its audience, and a great aspiration to all of us in the Group to continue living out our brand values each day. Given that this is a global recognition, it also assures us that we are delivering on our brand promise consistently across the countries where we operate".

Adam also said that the award is dedicated to 47,000 Maybankers and customers around the world who have made this possible. "Our employees are the key drivers of our brand delivery and they have been instrumental in manifesting our mission of humanising financial services," added Mohamed Adam

Winners of the World Branding Awards were judged based on four criteria which included Brand Valuation, Consumer Market Research, Public Online Voting and Would Branding Forum Advisory Council Voting. Each level contributes 25% to the total score in evaluating a brand.These four streams result in the rankings that they produce for brands that are eligible for the World Branding Awards.

"The scoring for the World Branding Awards is unique in that the streams of scoring include public online voting, telephone market research, a brand valuation, as well as voting by a panel of professionals. Maybank scored the highest in all four streams of voting for these awards, and is deservedly crowned as the top banking brand in Malaysia. This is a testament to the hard work by the bank in building its brand," said Richard Rowles, Chairman of the World Branding Forum, organiser of the World Branding Award.

World Branding Forum is a registered global non-profit organization in London which aims and activities are to provide benefit to all in the branding community – to advance the standards, skills and education in the industry.

  • A proud member of: BancNet
  • Maybank Philippines Inc., is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). For inquiries or complaints, you may contact Maybank Customer Service hotline at (02) 8588 3888 or our toll-free number 1800 10 588 3888. Alternatively, you may also send an email to mpi.customerservice@maybank.com. You may also contact BSP at (02) 8708 7087 or consumeraffairs@bsp.gov.ph.


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